January 12, 2011

Top Reader Posts - January 12

Here are the Top Reader Posts for this week. I know these posts get the most readers so they are the posts that are the most consistent. KLB is vocal if I don't have them posted. I get crap if she doesn't have her "Wednesday lunch time entertainment". So last week when she cheated and read them before lunch I made the decision to schedule them to post five minutes before the beginning of her lunch. Needless to say, that did not make her very happy, but it did make me giggle. If you would like to comment and tell me you read them earlier in the day and would like them posted earlier, I would be happy to oblige.

I am working on cleaning out my Reader and part of that includes posting the posts I have starred (some as far back as April 2010). In addition to the clean out I will be posting Valentine's Day crap for a few weeks.

Yes, Valentine's Day CRAP. I love PE. I love my kids. I love my other family members and my friends too. I don't need a holiday to let them know. I also don't enjoy the tie to couples. I have single friends and is there a day for them? Not an official one. Stupid! I won't lie and say I don't enjoy the candy or the gifts PE sometimes gives but I could just as easily do without them too. (If it makes you feel better just tie it to my dislike for holidays in general.) While I have this dislike, I do understand others have a true appreciation for the day so I have decided to rise above this dislike and post Valentine's Day crap for those individuals.

Valentine's Day

Home Decor



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